Thursday, November 12, 2009

Looking forward to a weekend of projects!

I have a whole slough of fabulous ideas cooked up for the weekend! Usually, I lose a whole Sunday to physics homework every weekend, but not this weekend! So that gives me a whole extra 24 hours to do as I please, which will be to sew. I don't know if I will have the time (or finances) to get everything I want done, but here's what I have in mind:

- Give the retro 52 butterick pattern in my first post a go
- Make a cute sewing machine cover
- Make a poppy/button broach for the lapelle on my houndstooth coat
- Paint some dining room chairs I found at Goodwill retro red and pick-out some geometric black and white fabric to re-upholstery them over thanksgiving break
- And if I have time, I want to try this little jacket from the book Design-It-Yourself Clothes by Cal Patch:

I want to get started on all this asap, but I have some studying for a physics exam tomorrow evening that calls for my attention for tonight.

On another note, does anyone have some good Christmas gift project ideas? I want to get started on those asap as there isn't a fabric store in my hometown, so I will be out of luck once I am home for the Holidays.


  1. I have just skimmed through your blog and enjoyed every minute of your journey - I've added myself as a follower, hope that is ok. I am looking forward to reading more :o)
